Stories GUSH
out of the
art museum.
On that day,
Around 30 collections transfigured themselves, and
burst out to the town Izumi.
Their missions are to deliver the stories of beauty
left by Hokusai, Sharaku,
Monet and Van Gogh
and more.
Museum x Townscape x Modern Creators
A new scenery arises from the collaboration of the three.
”GUSH” means “to flow out”, “to issue suddenly” in English. We appreciate the stories of beauty of approximately 11,000 art works “Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi” has treasured, and we wanted to deliver the stories more to the town Izumi. That’s why this project was born. Each of 30 creators remade each of 30 collections of “Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi” onto wall paintings, as if the art works was “GUSH”ed out to the town.
30 diverse creators related to Kansai area are involved in this project: Professional artists who are active at the forefront of advertising industry and art scene, an artist who is physically challenged, a student who study illustration at Osaka University of Arts, designers and illustrators who are from or live in the city Izumi.
The messages from artists of all ages and countries such as Hokusai, Sharaku, Monet and Van Gogh and more are interpreted by modern creators who live in the modern age. Then they are reborn as wall paintings in parks, buildings, university and so on in the town Izumi. The new scenery in the town Izumi is the result of a collaboration of Museum x Cityscape x Modern Creator, which is unprecedented in the world. Please enjoy the public creations exhibited along the 2 kilometers from Izumi-Chuo station to the museum.
“ART GUSH” is a part of the “Izumi-Kuboso museum town concept”.
Izumi-Kuboso museum town concept
The town Izumi, the town which has the museum. The town which fosters beauty and imagination.
Izumi city, Osaka prefecture is planning “Izumi-Kuboso museum town concept” which develops attractiveness and community, with branding the area surrounding the Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi as “The town which has the museum”.
This area is located in the suburbs of Osaka prefecture, a lot of new residents are flowing in due to its advantage of the location along the Senboku Rapid Railway Izumi Central Station by developing the residential area. The textile industry has prospered since the Meiji period, and it is in a quiet environment where the old and new townscape is well mixed. Composed facility Izumi City Plaza, where works of various artists are displayed permanently, Nozomino area which has a lot of cafes & restaurants, Hatuzuno area, Momoyama Gakuin University where students come and go, and Matsuoji famous for Sakura and autumn leaves dot the city. Regional residents, private enterprises, NPOs, universities, Izumi city government and others collaborate and cooperate in order to maximize the potential of the area. We will realize town planning centered on the valuable cultural facility “Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi”.
Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi
We deliver the power of art to the contemporary era with art works of all times and places.
Kuboso Memorial Museum of Arts, Izumi is a municipal museum of Izumi city which was opened in 1982. It has about 11,000 pieces of art works, mainly oriental art such as paintings, books and crafts in Japan and China. We hold 5 exhibitions a year from our collection, and a special exhibition of our own project once a year. The site area is approximately 16,500m² with a music hall, citizens’ gallery, citizens’ workshop studio, and a research institute and so on. Apart from exhibitions, we also offer opportunities and places for citizens' creative activities and presentations, including exhibitions by tea ceremonies, concerts and citizens, and are working on the promotion of city culture.
Museum entrance
Public Art 2017
ART GUSH project members
Izumi city’s public creation “ART GUSH” is planned and managed by Izumi city, Izumi-Kuboso Museum Town Consortium, and creators related to Kansai area who cherish, enjoy, and nurture the “town” from various aspects.
ART GUSH プロデューサー
ならそら代表。大阪芸術大学デザイン学科講師。システムエンジニア、建築設計・施工の仕事を経て、現在は「デザインの考え方で社会をおもしろくする」をテーマに、シティプロモーションから商店街や農村の活性化、企業・店舗のブランディングや商品開発から少子化時代の学校づくりまで、領域を問わずあらゆるデザインプロデュースを行う。また近年は、デザインの考え方で課題発見・解決できる人を育てる学びの場づくりに注力している。 奈良市まち・ひと・しごと創生総合戦略懇話会委員/奈良市奈良国際文化観光都市建設審議会委員/奈良市文化振興計画推進委員会委員。
ART GUSH エグゼクティブ・プロデューサー
株式会社188取締役。広島県尾道市因島に生まれる。瀬戸の海を産湯に、波を子守唄に育つ。現在は、大阪ミナミにてデザイン会社を経営しながら、コピーライティング、インタビュー、執筆活動を行う。2000年より毎日放送『サントリー1万人の第九』の広報&プログラムの編集を手掛け、指揮者・佐渡裕の声を届ける。2011年より、故郷をはじめさまざまな“町”の息吹を伝える展覧会活動『my home town わたしのマチオモイ帖』をプロデュース。「動く、ふるさと」を行動基盤に日本各地にあたたかい波紋を拡げている。
ART GUSH アート・ディレクター
ART GUSH グラフィックデザイナー
1985年3月31日、雪深い福井県に生まれる。19歳で東學の装丁による『ジャパンアヴァンギャルド〜アングラ演劇傑作ポスター100』に出逢い、グラフィックデザイナーを目指す。08年秋から数年間『神戸コレクション』を担当。ミナミの商店街『戎橋筋商店街』のフリーペーパー、老舗昆布『をぐら屋』パッケージデザイン、落語『鶴瓶・文珍・南光 夢の三競演』、『兵庫芸術文化センター管弦楽団』のフライヤーデザイン、ピアノコンサート『ならピ♪』のキャラクター開発&総合ツールデザインなど。
1982年、和歌山県生まれ。大学卒業後、写真家 溝縁ひろし氏のアシスタントを経てフリー。18歳から野宿で東南アジア各国を放浪。その後、山岳少数民族の風俗撮影のため、中国・雲南省に長期に渡り滞在。21歳より、日本の島の風俗・祭事を撮影。(2013年現在300島以上を撮影)主な撮影テーマは、日本の島・山岳少数民族の風俗・メコン河流域の風俗・棚田などの稲作文化・戦国史跡など