Dutch Ship Arriving and Saluting
In the Edo period, Dutch vessels brought exotic birds and animals to Dejima Island, Nagasaki, along with various kinds of foreign articles. They must have excited the Japanese in those days. Oh, some ships have just arrived in the port of Dejima. The sailors are putting the sail down, and colorful national flags are fluttering in the wind. Why don’t you be a seagull and search for ten animals on board?
Noriko Sato*
大阪を拠点に活動するイラストレーター。「レトロヴィンテージな外国の絵本風」「ユーモアを含んだタッチ」「高キロカロリーな絵」を得意とし、広告や教材、雑誌など様々なメディアへのイラストを制作。コンセプトは “あなたの心意気、小粋に表現します”。だいたいいつもハンチング姿。